Kaiserstadt Tattoo Expo

Art Direction Web Design
Kaiserstadt Tattoo Expo


The Kaiserstadt Tattoo Expo is an annually celebrated and internationally renowned tattoo convention taking place in Aachen, Germany.

Initialized and hosted by german tattooing powerhouse Andreas Coenen, the convention welcomes the who is who of the international tattoo scene with artists from the US to Japan and of course all over Europe. Embracing the „no fuzz – just pure tattoo culture“ attitude you will find no show acts, bands or competitions only the buzzing sound of tattoo machines.

I translated this „content-focused“ attitude in choosing sans-serif type, clean backgrounds and a bunch of whitespace.

Kaiserstadt Tattoo Expo
Kaiserstadt Tattoo Expo UI elements
Kaiserstadt Tattoo Expo
Kaiserstadt Tattoo Expo